A CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) ‘Guidelines for Traditional Micro-SMEs’ GDPR compliance’ is being developed within the SMOOTH Project.

The future CWA will provide GDPR-compliance guidelines for Traditional Micro-SMEs acting as controllers for low-risk processing operations. It will provide practical guidance on the key GDPR requirements to be considered by such Micro-SMEs translating these into the practical legal requirements they shall comply with, to be GDPR compliant. The document will contain practical guidance, checklists,…

CORDIS Article: A helping hand for microenterprises grappling with the GDPR

Originally published on the CORDIS, the EU portal for research results, online magazine of December 2020/January 2021: https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/428769-data-protection-new-technologies-to-protect-privacy Many microenterprises in Europe seem to be missing the GDPR compliance train, with potentially disastrous consequences for their future. The SMOOTH project has developed an easy-to-use and affordable solution that will help them assess and improve their…

SMOOTH Final Conference: Easy and Affordable GDPR Compliance Solutions for European Micro-Enterprises

Register for the event here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8276523612739346702 The adoption of the GDPR by micro-enterprises (MENTs) effortlessly, without incurring unnecessary or unaffordable costs, is vital to the EU global economy and constitutes the high-level objective of the SMOOTH project. Research suggests that micro-enterprises often lack resources in terms of time, finance, people, and knowledge to properly understand…