GDPR compliance will have a positive impact on your business and SMOOTH is here to help!

I am a small business owner. How GDPR will affect my efficiency? Business benefits from being compliant with GDPR include a more targeted communication with costumers, avoiding the loss from tracking uninterested users, hence having a strong impact on your business’ efficiency. GDPR, in fact, ensures to your business easier-to-use data, letting your company identify…

SMOOTH project is promoting a CWA, pre-normative Guideline for Micro-enterprises on GDPR compliance

The SMOOTH project aims to assist organisations to comply with key requirements of the GDPR by designing and implementing an easy-to-use and affordable cloud-based platform. It will generate awareness on their GDPR obligations and will automatically analyse their level of compliance with the GDPR. SMOOTH is also promoting the creation of a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on Guidelines for micro…