GDPR and the Future of Business

How GDPR has affected business from 2018? Even though being compliant with the GDPR has not been easy for many businesses from 2018, there are several benefits to it. GDPR brought a better and more targeted communication towards costumers and a strong impact on efficiency. 41% of companies declared that satisfying GDPR norm gave them…

GDPR compliance will have a positive impact on your business and SMOOTH is here to help!

I am a small business owner. How GDPR will affect my efficiency? Business benefits from being compliant with GDPR include a more targeted communication with costumers, avoiding the loss from tracking uninterested users, hence having a strong impact on your business’ efficiency. GDPR, in fact, ensures to your business easier-to-use data, letting your company identify…

SMOOTH project is promoting a CWA, pre-normative Guideline for Micro-enterprises on GDPR compliance

The SMOOTH project aims to assist organisations to comply with key requirements of the GDPR by designing and implementing an easy-to-use and affordable cloud-based platform. It will generate awareness on their GDPR obligations and will automatically analyse their level of compliance with the GDPR. SMOOTH is also promoting the creation of a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on Guidelines for micro…

SMOOTH organises a series of webinars on GDPR to announce the second round of the SMOOTH platform testing  

The SMOOTH consortium is organizing a series of webinars designed to help European micro enterprises comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The first webinar is entitled “Everything you need to know about SMOOTH and its platform” and will take place on the 26th of May 2020 from 12:00 until 13:00. While the GDPR represents…