We are kicking off our new series dedicated to entrepreneurs who have been successfully supported by the SMOOTH pilots in assessing and implementing their data security and privacy needs.
Our first entrepreneurs, who joins us today for an interview, is Peter Pongracz, CEO of B&P Enterprises s.r.o. and Co-Founder of Auream, two Slovakian small businesses providing services to client in developing innovative digital project on the latest artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.
Peter joined the SMOOTH pilot as he saw a real opportunity to get the perfect support for the GDPR-related needs of a growing small business.
Peter, thank you for joining us today. Let us start with data: why are personal data, like the ones covered by GDPR, important for a company working on innovative digital technologies?
When it comes to any type of innovative technologies, data really are the basic building blocks of the sector. That is why, since when GDPR came into being, you really need to figure out how to be compliant and work in the appropriate manner to respect it.
My sector is also impacted in a specific way as there are still open questions on the relation between GDPR and blockchain technologies, which means I have to be on top of things both for my own business but also to deliver successfully on the projects for my clients.
How did you find out about SMOOTH and how did you expect it could help with GDPR compliance?
I am a member of the FundingBox community, one of the SMOOTH project partners, where I registered to be kept informed about funding opportunities. I saw the invite there and I though it was an interesting opportunity for my business but also that I could support a project from the community to achieve its objectives.
When I joined my main goal was to delve deeper into GDPR and understand how my business could be affected but also the projects for my clients. I really saw the benefit of getting a check-list for GDPR compliance that could even lead to the simplification of some business processes.
Now that you have joined the pilot, did SMOOTH deliver on your expectations?
Yes, I really think so. I did not have any major expectations in terms of process, but the analysis I received was really quite useful: it made me think about the whole GDPR process in a different and clearer way. I surely do feel more knowledgeable now about what to look for and how to look for it.
SMOOTH provided a very good framework and it is a great starting point to plan my next actions.
I am now much aware of what GDPR entails to the point where I will consider on a project by project basis, particularly for my clients, what is the needs for the data management on my own and I will then surely look to discuss with a third party how to do this in the best possible way.
Any last comments on the project?
I definitely saw the value of this project first-hand and it is a great starting point for any entrepreneur who wishes to deepen its understanding of GDPR to be his or her business is compliant.
There is some space to optimise and improve some of the questions and processes that I have gone through during the pilot, as they can a bit time-consuming, but overall this project is surely heading in a good direction.
You too can benefit from the SMOOTH pilot! Applications for the ongoing beta testing are open – apply to join today!